Customer Testimonial

Corvette with C Magic products   I worked for Tom Wallace, Corvette Chief Engineer & Vehicle Line Executive, on the Corvette Team.  One of my responsibilities was managing the teams captured fleet of vehicles that were used for evaluation, analysis, media and track events.  This was a tough job because these cars were subjected to all kinds of driving conditions and experiences that would exceed what I would consider to be normal every day usage.  I kept 6 Z06 Corvettes that were dedicated for Corvette Team use in the National Corvette Museum High Performance Driving
Events at tracks like VIR and Road America.  These were some of the first Z06 Corvettes built in 2006 and they needed a little extra work to maintain the appearance of the vehicles.  I made sure they looked their best by using C Magic products on them because you never knew when they would be involved in some photo opportunity.  The same was true for our other 6 vehicles that included one of each Corvette (coupe-convertible-Z06) a Cadillac XLR, a Pontiac Solstice, and a Saturn Sky.  Even our black Corvettes would look great without any streaks   Corvette using C*Magic Products

Corvette using C Magic Products

  or swirl marks that other wax products seemed to always leave behind.  I can attest to the fact our cars experienced more than what would be considered normal wear and tear and this is especially true with regard to the interior of the cars.  We used C Magic to protect the leather seating areas of our cars and it preserved the look and feel of the leather better than anything we had ever used before.  When we took delivery of our ZR1 Corvettes last year we used C Magic on them including the carbon fiber panels because we wanted them to look their best
since these cars were constantly being photographed.  My experience with C Magic convinced me that it was better than any product I had ever used before and I think the proof is evident in these pictures.
Corvette using CMagic Products   Corvette using CMagic Products
Corvette using CMagic Products  

- Gerry Wright, Warren, MI

Retired 10/2008
HR/OD Manager
Performance Cars Vehicle Team
Global Luxury RWD Vehicle Team
Global Crossover & Compact Vehicle Team
Global Product Development
General Motors Corporation
Warren Technical Center – VEC